Friday, February 4, 2011

Corning Ware Mixing Bowls

San Valentino

"Non affannarti a cercare, non è lecito saperlo
quale fine
gli Dei abbiano stabilito per me, quale per te, o
e non interrogare gli oroscopi babilonesi.
Meglio accettare quanto avverrà!
As we speak, envious time has already fled;
seize the present moment,
relies as little as possible in the future. "

Valentine's Day. The day of lovers.
holidays introduced in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, in place of the Roman Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15, dedicated to fertility rites. Although the figure of St. Valentine is remembered because of its humanity and his message of love, the association with romantic love is back and probably derived from the tradition of courtly love, spread throughout the Middle Ages.
Today Valentine's Day is universally recognized and celebrated around the world. Particularly the Japanese custom for Valentine girls and women give to the boy they love, but also to Dad, brothers or friends, chocolate. They reciprocate by giving something white on March 14, called White Day But the most popular and widespread tradition is that of Valentine, the Anglo-Saxon origin, cards for love, often shaped, with images and words devoted to this event.

Castelgomberto The Library dedicates each year to explore a corner of the most beautiful poems and books on love, not forget that in the end, removing the commercial sense that this holiday has become, what really matters are feelings.

"Do thy worst to escape
you live in me for life
and life will not last longer than your love,
only because of this affection it depends.

(...) But there is happiness that clouds do not matter? "
William Shakespeare

is such a beautiful book devoted to the most beautiful love poems.

From the works of Shakespeare, to discover and appreciate.
One of the many proposals for Valentine's Day! And if you liked the little poems that you have read here, do not miss all the others, always available in the Library!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

"Love does not have to beg or even
love must have the strength to become
certainty within himself.
Then there is more drag, but drag .
Herman Hesse


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