Monday, March 7, 2011

Denny & Georgegreen Scarf

Bibliografie per le donne e sito Agorà

We present another initiative for the Women's Day.
Recalling the meeting with the Association Agora for the evening music and poetry, it has already been treated earlier post, ready for you the bibliographies devoted to women. Novels, essays, true stories of courage and strength, updates to address every aspect of being a woman. Certainly one of these titles will find the most suitable for you, available for loan in the Library!

If you like true stories, essays or do you need the manual, this is the link for you:

If you are looking the other hand works great authors, literature and poetry, unforgettable lyrics, look for them here:

find the bibliographies available in the library, along with all our proposals for the Women's Day and more!

Other news!
E 'where the new website of the Cultural Agora, where you can find all the proposed activities, those in the program, photos and memories of the events took place, all the contacts to seek information and learn more and more!
see link at the top left of the recommended sites, let us jump!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Automatic Rabbit Water

A big thank you!

A big thank you though with considerable delay, Manumamma I shot a wonderful prize:

The rules provide that the premium you must post with the link of who has given you (and I did! and it 'already' a miracle we made it!) and then pass it among their favorite 5 blogs that do not exceed 300 players so 'to raise awareness of small but wonderful artists around the web and then warn those who are 'designated! I do not know exactly where you need to pass only those who have not received it yet, but I find it rather difficult to do all the research that I step in 5 people who for various reasons I consider d 'inspiration . Here they are:

Federica stamp 'cause if you're looking for wedding favors and equity are always, and always point out things of great taste and simplicity'!

Serena 'cause his experience and versatility' I sample a lot of time!

Alberto 'cause the card is absolutely crazy and that I envy you so much for his ability' to use soft colors and flowers!

Daniela 'cause I think he is absolutely a growing trend and is' to follow (see his latest mini album!)

Patty 'cause are beyond its capacity' and his talent and because it 'for me' a myth of the scrap! Oh and because it 'seems to me incredible that a blog like his does not reach 300 readers! So 'move!

Well now I just have to message the winners! Kisses to all and a really big thanks to Manu!

Ugly English Actresses

with some 'delay ......

With a little 'late I'd like to show the mini album I made last meeting in Prato in Tuscany ASI shop Patty, to design Elena really good and patient teacher! Ibcredibilmente I managed to finish it because of its beautiful simplicity 'and brevity' although of great quality 'and versatility' (sorry all quesyi accents!). I have devoted myself for once and my friends with whom I shared three wonderful days of Creative Education in 2010. I show you the photos I hope you'll love 'and I wait with the next ATC swap technique on 2 Atcmondo to do using the alphabet and distress DEF! Smack smack at all!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Meaning Of Factory Seconds


KE BELLO I am very happy .. It took a little 'SATISFACTION ... She sent me this virtual prizes!
Thank you so much YOU ARE ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL AND Lovely!

The prize 'initiative designed to give a blog born just a chance' x get to know more '.

rules to follow to receive the award are:

- accept the award and write a post about

- choose three to five bloggers that we like and tell them that they won

- link to the blog of the person ve lo ha inviato



Marriage And Prenup Sayings

Una donna s'alza e canta
La segue il vento e l'incanta
E sulla terra la stende
E il sogno vero la prende.

Questa terra è nuda
Questa donna è druda
Questo vento è forte
Questo sogno è morte.

Giuseppe Ungaretti

Festa della Donna 2011

Anche la nostra Biblioteca si sta preparando per l'8 Marzo, omaggio a tutte le donne del mondo.
Troverete tante bellissime poesie , come questa di Ungaretti, da leggere, condividere con le amiche, conservare, regalare...
Tantissime anche le proposte di libri , sia narrativa che saggistica . Fatevi consigliare una buona lettura! Troverete sicuramente qualcosa adatto a voi in questo giorno speciale.
E non solo libri, fate un salto al reparto DVD , dove vi aspettano tante storie di donne per passare una bella serata con tutta la famiglia.

E se non avete niente da fare per Martedì 8 Marzo o volete organizzare una serata speciale, la Biblioteca e l' Associazione Culturale Agorà vi propongono un appuntamento imperdibile ed emozionante.
Nella splendida cornice della nuova sala "La Loggia" di Palazzo Barbaran vi presentiamo

Musica e Poesia
Dialogo poetico tra Alda Merini e Wislawa Szymborska

"...Sempre hanno parlato di
invidia del pene, d'invidia della
donna, non hanno parlato di una
cosa, letterati compresi, di ciò che
una donna ha in sé:
la sua favola."
Alda Merini

Una voce recitante accompagnata da flauto e pianoforte, faranno da cornice i dipinti del corso di pittura intuitive.

At the end of the evening a toast for all!

For information, here is the flyer of the event

We look forward to to wish for yourself, while you renew them here on the blog with another wonderful poem by Alda Merini.

Greetings to all women!

Space space I want, plenty of room for sweet move
want room to grow sing
errare e saltare il fosso
della divina sapienza.
Spazio datemi spazio
ch'io lanci un urlo inumano,
quell'urlo di silenzio negli anni
che ho toccato con mano."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ap Cellular Respiration Lab Answers


Avevo in casa un po' di stoffa, nastri, jeans e passamenerie varie..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

South Park Fishsticks Mp3

give me an A Give me a T give me a C, ATC

great joy (my course you do not know!) because thanks to Silvia, who has managed to revitalize the group I started to produce the World ATC ATC! It was not so much that I made and honestly I really like them, do not even remember what! However, thanks to Silvia I enrolled in the first and third Swap 'in the alphabet 3 letters each time the second and' embossing technique Hot and third technical distress. We show the first two production, one third have yet to do so. Spend just a few words about how I made my "baby": the letter A as the tree has a background made with a stamp for the distress the tree and gold leaf chopped mixed color for the leaves. All the letters of the alphabet that lighthouse 'will like this vintage alphabet die cut with Tim Holtz. The second, B as a child, and 'vintage image over a background made with shredded paper book and go as a kind of collage over which I have stretched quite a bit of diluted white acrylic and then I stamped the background with a 'blue. The wings are made with tulle scorched , Angle, and 'Before marketing a stamp embossed with gold tape and under Tim Holtz. The third, C as the heart, a heart is cut out by hand on paper I always loved Tim and stamped and embossed with a crackle background, background and outline with distress "canuttiglia (who does know the biedremeir), fins Paperartsy and beneath ripping stamped. All the letters were polished with glossy accent. After all this talk about here are the pictures:

For the technique that is a 'hot-embossing with more background with Versamark and stamped distress crackle on! I really hope you like them I really enjoy a lot to them and as soon as I will for the second technique! Smack smack to everyone and see you soon

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Make Cube Field Different Colors

Bleeding Gums Right Before Period?


Given that I'm not really capece to hold the knitting needles ... post some work I did ... I'm happy ... I'm glad that I managed to do even if I work only with straight stitch!
scarf girl scarf for me

scarf for child work in progress ..

Clothing Racks For Rent Dallas


Finally I find a moment to place ... and some of Aun 'ke I hese things ready but ...
start with a headset that I made for my baby using a wool sweater that my most hated nn '
passiamo a 2 braccali che ho realizzato con dei "budelli" di cui non ricordo nemmeno la provenienza.. ho inserito qualche pallina di cartapesta realizzata dalla mia cucciola et voilà..i braccialetti sono pronti!!quello blu è stato annodato tra una pallina e l'altre quello bianco ivece fermeta con del filo mulangè dorato!!
ultima creazione reciclosa un cuscino per l'allattamento il cartamodello me lo sono realizzato da sola, in quanto ne possedevo già uno che mi era stato regalato con la precedente gravidanza, quindi è stato molto semplice..Non ho fatto altro che prendere un vecchio lenzuolo di flanella, tagliarlo, cucirlo e imbottirlo con the upholstery of an old pillow (tell me a pillow and a half!) then covered with another fabric that Vichy had at home ...

I have to post more ....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hot Shower Rash On My Arms

and 'a bit'..........

Yes yes, it is some time since I seen you here but the influence has done its damage to everyone, with my family in particular I would say it is quite fun! Oh well hopefully it will be gone and we turn page!
Today I wanted to share with you a few things: first and foremost 'in May there will be a course that I believe will be dazzling in their shop Patty "scrapbooking paper and memories" in Prato with Karine Cazenave Tapie, for those who do not knew a great scrapper French. And this is the first. Second thing: before the flu hit violently I was able to go to the meeting of January Toscano (unbelievable but true!) And I participated in a competition held at The on winter, I hope you will 'pleasure to see it! Here it

Third thing: tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I'm not a sentimentalist by nature, rather they are rather "rough" as a person I do not like to throw me in pink and various little things, but I could not fail to prepare a card for the man that I "tolerate" and loves me for twenty years! It 's the first time I do a card in this style and I would be happy if I should render part of your impressions of it! Here it

For now I end up here and excuse me if I have exaggerated the details of my work but I must say that I particularly like these two (not either do not believe I'm saying this!). Ah, a little announcement: on Silvia's world Atc Atc I started with my passion lately a bit 'neglected and I enrolled in three of the swap in progress, I can show you my creations to not spoil the surprise when you receive at maturity, so until then ...... pero 'count on it because I'm really producing! See you soon and a big thanks to those who follow me! Smack smack at all!