Monday, October 25, 2010

What Is The Ideal Bmi For A 14 Year Old

Autunno a teatro

Agora Cultural Association presents a series of theatrical performances, starting this Saturday until December.
is the complete program of the event:

The first show, under the project Teatroincontri 2010, in collaboration with the Province of Vicenza, the Library of Castelgomberto and the Department of Culture of the City of Castelgomberto is "There once was an Island" of the theater company Teatro di Pino Costalunga gloss.
Section book by Pino Sbalchiero, Costalunga builds a thread with the stories of our theatrical tradition and the music from the songbook of Vicenza. A blast from the past that will delight everyone.
The event is scheduled for Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 20:30 in the multipurpose room of Lux Castelgomberto.
whole Tickets cost 5 €, reduced 3.
You can see here the brochure, also available at the library:

For more information, here is the link to the Glossa Theatre
http://www . /? p = 261

you in the theater!


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