Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wiring Diagrams For 1995 Polaris 425 Magnum

Secondo appuntamento a Teatro

Continua la rassegna teatrale dell'Associazione Agorà in collaborazione con la Biblioteca.

Il Secondo appuntamento è per Domenica 7 Novembre alle ore 16.00 presso la Sala Polivalente Lux di Castelgomberto .

Lo spettacolo, organizzato in collaborazione con la FITA Veneto, è

The Games International Show , della compagnia I Giullastri .
Ambientato today, where everyone talks too much even in error, either Giullastri is taken from a crisis of conscience and decides not to speak.
Not just actors, but jugglers, mimes, magicians, processed, will drag with them in an overwhelming crescendo.

A show where everything is not what it seems suitable for audiences of all ages!

Read more about the company and the show here is the website:

For more information on this and other events organized by FITA here's the link: http
: / /

The entrance fee is 5 € for the entire entry and € 3 for the low (3 to 14 years and Membership Agora)

We look forward to the theater!


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