Saturday, January 1, 2011

Senior Week Houses In Md

Cards cards cards!!

meanwhile saw the day when I write I seem to do right to all those who follow me a sea of \u200b\u200bCards 'cause the 2011 is how everyone wants, with so many beautiful things!! Then, since you know not to step in so many words that is the subject of today' the cards I made for this Christmas.
I tell you in preview that are simple but I like a lot for this, is happening inside me a kind of psychological work of "cleansing" in general, and then is reflected in what I do. And 'course, but I am always a bit' more 'clean' talking about scrapbooking! 'Nuff said I put the photo so' I tell you to judge
briefly Materials: Bazzill, mahe 'natural florileges hero arts stamps magnolia nestabilities




Spero non vi  siate annoiati troppo, prossima settimana post sul feltro e i miei lavoretti!!!! smack smack a tutti e ancora un 2011 esplosivo!!!                                                                                


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