Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amc Moviewatcher Card Number

Approfondimento: La guerra del Vietnam

The Vietnam War. A conflict entered into history and that has deeply marked an era, not only in terms of political or military.

Torn between 1960 and 1975, a period of great change also from the cultural point of view, involved a whole generation of young people, the peace movements of the University to the trauma suffered by veterans.

Literature and Cinema could hardly remain indifferent to an event like that.

Here is the introduction of " we were young in Vietnam , Harold G. Moore and Joseph L. Galloway:
"This is the story of what we did, saw and patimmo during a campaign in the valley of Ia Drang, the Central Highlands of South Vietnam, in November 1965. We were the children of the Fifties, young followers of John Kennedy, and we went where we had sent. Today, our faces of young people become old, excavated from fever and sleepless nights, staring at us stuck, as strangers lost and the damned, the yellowed photos we have stored in cardboard boxes. We know what was Vietnam, and as it seems, and we acted, and talked, and smelled. In America it seems I do not know anyone else. So for once, just once, we must say: it started well, it was so. At end of the dead were not raised. The wounded have not washed the wounds to return to live as if nothing had happened. None of us left Vietnam the same. This story is our testamento.E 'our tribute to American boys that were killed beside, and the hundreds of young Carabinieri of the people died in that jungle. This is our story and theirs. Because once we were soldiers, and young people. "
True Story of War, written by those who lived through it yourself. On 23 October 1965, 450 American soldiers of the First Battalion of the 7th Cavalry are transported by helicopter to a small clearing in the valleys of Ya Drang. I am immediately surrounded by a 2000 military North Vietnamese. Three days later, a little more than two miles away, the battalion could come to their rescue is literally torn to pieces. Lt. Hal Moore has only one order: to resist. And only one goal: keeping the promise to bring home all his men, dead or alive.

This book, available from us, is just one of many examples of titles that you can find on the subject.

As for the film, those on the Vietnam War constitute a trend among the lucky ones in Hollywood, giving the world a few masterpieces in the history of cinema.

All the tricks to avoid the draft, moving to another country, get married or go to university, youth protests and the hippie movement of the plot are the basis of Hair, musical drama directed by Miloš Forman
, in 1979 and based sull'ononimo Broadway musical.
Claude is a young countryman of the U.S. ' Oklahoma, to volunteer for weapons Vietnam War. He moved to New York few days before departure, he came to Central Park in a group of Hippies , made by Berger, Jeannie, Woof, and Hud. In love with a beautiful view of Sheila, the daughter of wealthy parents and height, is helped by the new group of friends to win. Under led by Berger, Claude Hippie will approach the world and the value of absolute freedom. Between dream journeys and increase the sense of friendship, the young start to training camp, leaving behind a fascinating new world for him. Friends, I decided to bring together one last time Sheila and Claude, head to the field, replacing his friend and Berger to allow it to remain some time with the girl he loves. In that short period of time, the camp is evacuated and soldiers carried aboard a plane for Vietnam . The pacifist Berger finds himself reluctantly having to fight for a war they do not believe, while the young Claude is able to obtain freedom. Berger will be one of the countless victims of the conflict.
A soundtrack to Hair that has really defined an era, with songs immortal as Aquarius, an expression of philosophy Hippie that the protagonist will cover throughout the film.
Winner also 2 David di Donatello for Best Director Foreign and Best Soundtrack Music Foreign, Hair is a film must for dive again in the spirit unique to those years.

of 1987 and instead Good Morning, Vietnam by Barry Levinson. Trafficking spent on Saigon during Vietnam War , disk jockey 's Aviation Adrian Cronauer , a cui viene affidata la conduzione della radio, che gli regala moltissima popolarità ma anche parecchi denigratori tra i suoi superiori. A dir poco straordinaria la prova di Robin Williams, che interpreta il dj protagonista. Lasciato libero dalla sceneggiatura di improvvisare le scene alla radio, Williams rivela tutto il suo talento nel recitare a braccio realizzando delle scene da togliere il fiato che fanno la fortuna di questo film. L'attore per questo ruolo ha vinto un Golden Globe ed è stato candidato all'Oscar.
Anche qui la colonna sonora ha un'importanza capitale. Dai Beach Boys alle Supremes, da Louis Armostrong a James Brown, brani diventati adesso dei classici e che accompagnano perfettamente ogni scena della storia.
Una commedia agrodolce davvero da non perdere.

Ma probabilmente il titolo più famoso del genere è Apocalypse Now di Francis Ford Coppola.
Liberamente ispirato al romanzo "Cuore di tenebra" di Joseph Conrad, vincitore della Palma d'Oro a Cannes, di 3 Golden Globe (Regista, Attore non Protagonista, Colonna Sonora Originale) e di 2 Oscar (fotografia e sonoro), questo film ormai è entrato nell'immaginario collettivo. E' il più visionario e sovreccitato film sul Vietnam, trasformato in mito. Delirante, eccessivo, diseguale, ricco di sequenze straordinarie, assai discusso e talvolta estetizzante nel suo ostentato brio stilistico, nella sua spropositata ambizione di grandiosa complessità. It is a bitter reflection, perhaps desperate, U.S. imperialism, the heir of European colonialism, the murderous madness of Western civilization, the crooked timber humanity.
The scene of the helicopter in the background "Ride of the Valkyries" by Wagner or "The End" The Doors are known to those who have not seen this film, it deserves not only for the wonderful soundtrack or The cast is composed of very large such as Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Dennis Hopper, Robert Duvall, but also for the wonderful photo, every scene strikes deep in the colors of the jungle or the shadows of a room. In
2001 Apocalypse Now Redux was released , restored and extended version, with the addition of 53 minutes of scenes from the film of 1979. This is the version available in our Library.

We have listed just a few examples, of course, and the most readily available. To deepen the understanding we are at your disposal.

Happy reading and happy viewing!


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