Monday, December 27, 2010

Stain Removal Catchphrases

i love Tim!!

Nella mia totale modestia quest'anno avrei voluto partecipare alle 12 tag of Christmas di Tim Holtz che come molte di  voi sapranno e' per me un idolo assoluto, un modello e tutto quello che c'e' di creativo e artistico nel mondo scrap! Ovviamente non ce l'ho fatta per svariati motivi, anche perche' non posseggo ( strano penseranno le mie amiche)  nessuno e dico nessuno dei suoi Christmas stamps! So 'do with what' I've made three attempts then sent as greeting cards to as many friends! I like the result although it has been the inexperience! To withdraw, the photos and hope to participate next year really! smack smack all

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bloated Stomach Inguinal Hernia Surgery

we wish you a merry christmas ...... Last

I certainly could not miss a Christmas card, unfortunately I will ' short for 'time and' what is' that is little, but I wanted to do all that follow me wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a promise that I will be 'a blogger a bit' better, maybe ..... with a few surprises in 2011! For now I leave you pictures of my Christmas tree with all molds made of felt and wool yarn and after several years with my work after Christmas.

Smack smack to everyone and see you soon

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How To Post Seating Plans Ideas

Natale in tutte le lingue del mondo

The Library of Castelgomberto with all his staff to complete the
Mariarosa Librarian, Kathy
the employees, and Silvana Chiara,
volunteers Zoso Anna, Anna Veller, Emily, Denise, Giancarlo Damiano
wish all users Biblioteca, del Blog e della nostra pagina di Facebook
un Natale pieno di amore e serenità!

Per rendere ancora più speciali i nostri auguri, ve li presentiamo insieme alle più belle tradizioni natalizie da ogni angolo del mondo!
Siete pronti? Cominciamo!

Joyeux Noel!
In Provenzasono nati i famosi Noels dai quali derivano le varie pastorali. In alcune città della Provenza, il maggiore dei figli correva nel campo e cominciava a dar colpi d'accetta all'albero più vecchio finché non cadeva; poi lo trascinava in cucina e lo consegnava al nonno, il quale lo bagnava with three glasses of mulled wine and placed it beside the hearth. Then the grandchildren looked out the windows and threw coins to the poor, these many small lamps lit to look for the money and to give thanks "with a flame of light." Other timeless traditions in the French countryside, are the strain and the campfire. The strain comes on to heat the Child Jesus and because it has this important work is garlanded. In Paris, we are preparing, by the tree, the cribs, the character I like best is the French children ravi , nice ride, bringing the lantern that he needs to clear the path to the crib.

Frohlich Weihnachten!
In Germany, the preparation of Christmas lasts 24 days, the period of Advent. Advent means "coming", the coming on earth of Jesus Children receive the Advent Calendar, with 24 windows. It opens one every night and found the figures or a small gift, usually sweet. They opened the last Christmas Eve. In some families, you build a crown of fir branches intertwined, holding four candles strung yellow or red in a small bowl of copper. Each Sunday of Advent if they turn one, to symbolize the growing light, until the birth of Jesus does not shine all together. German children to see their envelopes with letters sprinkle a thin layer of glue and then sprinkle of sugar, so shine in the dark. Great importance is the Christmas tree, which occupies a prominent position in every German home. The grain is a symbol of Christmas. In the south of the country is spread on teti so that birds can take part in the festival.

Spain Feliz Navidad!
The crib can not miss the English houses. In fact the country is a practice deeply felt, like the live nativity. There is also the habit of welcoming dinner for a relative or acquaintance who is poorer. The songs are very beautiful and English varies from region to region, but the dominant rhythm is the Flamenco. Children await the gifts from the Three Kings, and leave out the door of slippers full of fodder for their camels. Another tradition is to dress really nice boy and give him full powers as a bishop December 6 to 28, during which will honor and acclaim.

Merry Christmas!
During the Christmas period there has always been the habit to meet in small groups of singers and turn from house to house singing carols and handing out sprigs of evergreens as a sign of good wishes, custom remaining from the Celtic tradition. The English cities are indeed beautiful at Christmas, all the houses are decorated with holly, boxwood, laurel, mistletoe ... And of course the sock hanging from the fireplace to allow a Babbo Natale di riempirla di doni! Il tutto illuminato da splendide luminarie in ogni via. Un'altra usanza molto bella è quella immancabile dei biglietti d'auguri, con bellissime illustrazioni, che gli Inglesi spediscono per le feste a parenti e amici.
E al cenone non può mancare in nessuna tavola il tacchino e il Christmas Pudding!

Feliz Navidad!
Un evento molto atteso è la Posadas, che comincia il 16 Dicembre. E' una rappresentazione dell'arrivo di Giuseppe e Maria a Betlemme e della loro vana ricerca di un alloggio. Sono i bambini a formare la processione e a cantare, chiedendo asilo ad ogni porta. Quel giorno si inizia anche ad addobbare la casa con lanterne colorate, green plants and moss.
A typical game you really like the smaller is the pinata: terracotta jars full of candy that the children, with eyes blindfolded, must break with a stick. The game takes place on Christmas Eve after the prayers. Mexico is also the tradition of the Christmas star, beautiful plants with red flowers that we all know well.

S Rozhdestvom Khristovym!
The Russian children are even now a piece of black bread in their shoes in honor of Babuouchka. It is said that the Magi, traveling to Bethlehem, they stayed with an old farmer who gave them hospitality. When I finally managed to leave, the proposed to go with them to see the baby Jesus Due to the age and hardness of the trip, however, refused Babouchka. The next day, in remorse, he took the bread to be offered to the Saviour and tried to reach them. But he could not find them because the snow had cleared the tracks and the legend is still Babouchka now on the road, bringing gifts to offer to children.
In Russia, however, there is Santa Claus, only called Grandfather Frost, the owner of bad weather.

Merry Christmas! Here
Christmas traditions are a mixture of different cultures. Many customs are similar to English, but do not forget the Hispanics, the Chinese, Italians and African Americans, making the Christmas a diverse mix of American traditions.

Hyva Joulua!
Preparations for Christmas begin in October. Families gather together to cook or sew dolls of wool and twist the straw to make them pets. On December 13, Saint Lucia, the eldest son takes parents breakfast in bed, coffee and bread for Christmas, Joululeipa, wearing a white dress tied at the waist by a red ribbon and a crown of 12 candles on his head.
Christmas begins with a "Declaration of Peace" by the Mayor of Turku, the ancient capital of the country. On the evening of
Eve it is customary to give evidence of burning candles on the graves of relatives and friends, lighting up the cemetery until dawn. And after dinner, all in the sauna! The entire families go there, then finished with a dip in the icy water of the lakes or the sea.

Milad Majid Said Aam Wa!
Every family has a tree and a nativity scene. Two weeks before Christmas, next to it are planted the seeds of lentils, beans and broad beans that symbolize the birth of Jesus After the Mass on Christmas morning, there is a tradition to visit grandparents and great-grandparents.
The tables are laden with specialties such as Mezzes, appetizers of various shapes, or le baklavas, paste alle noci, al miele e ai fiori d'arancio.
L'influenza della cultura francese si fa sentire sia per la presenza delle baguettes a tavola che per i canti natalizi, tipici della Francia con solo qualche variazione nel testo.

Merry Christmas!
Qui Natale arriva in piena estate e nelle città le classiche decorazioni, come gli alberi di Natale, sono abbinati a fiori tropicali e foglie di palme, con koala, kookaburra, vombato ed altri animali tipici che affollano le vetrine vestiti da Babbo Natale. Qualche giorno prima di Natale si svolge la Christmas Pageant, una specie di Carnevale natalizio in cui squadre sportive, ditte, servizi municipali, ecc. allestiscono carri in maschera a tema natalizio che sfilano per la città. E il 25 Dicembre non poteva mancare la gara di surf, in cui tutti gli iscritti sono travestiti da Babbo Natale! Da guardare durante il pic-nic sulla spiaggia che sostituisce il nostro cenone.

Arahaba Tratry Ny Krismasy!
Anche qui Natale è d'estate e le città non sono decorate dai classici abeti ma dalle jaracanda, bellissimi alberi dai fiori color malva. Alla viglia ci si ritrova in chiesa, spesso la gente fa viaggi di ore a piedi per arrivarci, e si canta anche fino alle 3 del mattino! Chi viene da lontano si ferma spesso a dormire in Chiesa, poi tutti a casa per una cena a base di piatti decisamente piccanti. Il 25 Dicembre Next we see a small performances staged by children in the churches.

Feliz Natal!
Here the cribs are made of natural size, with splendid figures in papier mache. On December 24 the reisados \u200b\u200btake to the streets, dancing to the sound of drums, accordion and harmonica, singing to each home's praises until it is offered them something. At midnight, all the bells ringing in celebration. In a country so vast, however, the traditions vary from region to region. Do you think that in Rio de Janeiro Santa Claus arrives by helicopter!

Maligayang Pasko!
In an archipelago with more than 7000 islands, some habits may vary. The city, however, are decorated with colorful lanterns and rows of banana bunches. On December 16, you get up at 4 to attend the Mass of the Rooster, which marks the beginning of the Christmas novena. Many traditions are taken from the countries that have occupied the Philippines, as Christmas carols typical of Americans, or habits such as posadas English.

liked the ride? We hope so! Obviously there are many other beautiful traditions in other countries around the world to be discovered and possibly be put into practice. You can also find us in beautiful books for children or for adults.

Hoping to please, you leave another little gift:

Light a light

Accendi una luce
su tutta la terra
che porti la pace,
che vinca la guerra

Accendi una luce
che rechi speranza,
che porti la gioia
nel cuore più triste

Accendi una luce
nel fondo del cuore
che vinca l'orgoglio,
che vinca il rancore
e dica ad ognuno
d'amarsi così

Accendi una luce
al di sopra del mondo
che vinca la fame,
hatred and evil
because it makes sense
this Christmas.

P. Tombolato

We remind you that the Library will closed the 24, 30 and 31 December 2010 and January 7, 2011 . With the exception of holidays, other days you can find us at the usual place!

Happy holidays to all!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amc Moviewatcher Card Number

Approfondimento: La guerra del Vietnam

The Vietnam War. A conflict entered into history and that has deeply marked an era, not only in terms of political or military.

Torn between 1960 and 1975, a period of great change also from the cultural point of view, involved a whole generation of young people, the peace movements of the University to the trauma suffered by veterans.

Literature and Cinema could hardly remain indifferent to an event like that.

Here is the introduction of " we were young in Vietnam , Harold G. Moore and Joseph L. Galloway:
"This is the story of what we did, saw and patimmo during a campaign in the valley of Ia Drang, the Central Highlands of South Vietnam, in November 1965. We were the children of the Fifties, young followers of John Kennedy, and we went where we had sent. Today, our faces of young people become old, excavated from fever and sleepless nights, staring at us stuck, as strangers lost and the damned, the yellowed photos we have stored in cardboard boxes. We know what was Vietnam, and as it seems, and we acted, and talked, and smelled. In America it seems I do not know anyone else. So for once, just once, we must say: it started well, it was so. At end of the dead were not raised. The wounded have not washed the wounds to return to live as if nothing had happened. None of us left Vietnam the same. This story is our testamento.E 'our tribute to American boys that were killed beside, and the hundreds of young Carabinieri of the people died in that jungle. This is our story and theirs. Because once we were soldiers, and young people. "
True Story of War, written by those who lived through it yourself. On 23 October 1965, 450 American soldiers of the First Battalion of the 7th Cavalry are transported by helicopter to a small clearing in the valleys of Ya Drang. I am immediately surrounded by a 2000 military North Vietnamese. Three days later, a little more than two miles away, the battalion could come to their rescue is literally torn to pieces. Lt. Hal Moore has only one order: to resist. And only one goal: keeping the promise to bring home all his men, dead or alive.

This book, available from us, is just one of many examples of titles that you can find on the subject.

As for the film, those on the Vietnam War constitute a trend among the lucky ones in Hollywood, giving the world a few masterpieces in the history of cinema.

All the tricks to avoid the draft, moving to another country, get married or go to university, youth protests and the hippie movement of the plot are the basis of Hair, musical drama directed by Miloš Forman
, in 1979 and based sull'ononimo Broadway musical.
Claude is a young countryman of the U.S. ' Oklahoma, to volunteer for weapons Vietnam War. He moved to New York few days before departure, he came to Central Park in a group of Hippies , made by Berger, Jeannie, Woof, and Hud. In love with a beautiful view of Sheila, the daughter of wealthy parents and height, is helped by the new group of friends to win. Under led by Berger, Claude Hippie will approach the world and the value of absolute freedom. Between dream journeys and increase the sense of friendship, the young start to training camp, leaving behind a fascinating new world for him. Friends, I decided to bring together one last time Sheila and Claude, head to the field, replacing his friend and Berger to allow it to remain some time with the girl he loves. In that short period of time, the camp is evacuated and soldiers carried aboard a plane for Vietnam . The pacifist Berger finds himself reluctantly having to fight for a war they do not believe, while the young Claude is able to obtain freedom. Berger will be one of the countless victims of the conflict.
A soundtrack to Hair that has really defined an era, with songs immortal as Aquarius, an expression of philosophy Hippie that the protagonist will cover throughout the film.
Winner also 2 David di Donatello for Best Director Foreign and Best Soundtrack Music Foreign, Hair is a film must for dive again in the spirit unique to those years.

of 1987 and instead Good Morning, Vietnam by Barry Levinson. Trafficking spent on Saigon during Vietnam War , disk jockey 's Aviation Adrian Cronauer , a cui viene affidata la conduzione della radio, che gli regala moltissima popolarità ma anche parecchi denigratori tra i suoi superiori. A dir poco straordinaria la prova di Robin Williams, che interpreta il dj protagonista. Lasciato libero dalla sceneggiatura di improvvisare le scene alla radio, Williams rivela tutto il suo talento nel recitare a braccio realizzando delle scene da togliere il fiato che fanno la fortuna di questo film. L'attore per questo ruolo ha vinto un Golden Globe ed è stato candidato all'Oscar.
Anche qui la colonna sonora ha un'importanza capitale. Dai Beach Boys alle Supremes, da Louis Armostrong a James Brown, brani diventati adesso dei classici e che accompagnano perfettamente ogni scena della storia.
Una commedia agrodolce davvero da non perdere.

Ma probabilmente il titolo più famoso del genere è Apocalypse Now di Francis Ford Coppola.
Liberamente ispirato al romanzo "Cuore di tenebra" di Joseph Conrad, vincitore della Palma d'Oro a Cannes, di 3 Golden Globe (Regista, Attore non Protagonista, Colonna Sonora Originale) e di 2 Oscar (fotografia e sonoro), questo film ormai è entrato nell'immaginario collettivo. E' il più visionario e sovreccitato film sul Vietnam, trasformato in mito. Delirante, eccessivo, diseguale, ricco di sequenze straordinarie, assai discusso e talvolta estetizzante nel suo ostentato brio stilistico, nella sua spropositata ambizione di grandiosa complessità. It is a bitter reflection, perhaps desperate, U.S. imperialism, the heir of European colonialism, the murderous madness of Western civilization, the crooked timber humanity.
The scene of the helicopter in the background "Ride of the Valkyries" by Wagner or "The End" The Doors are known to those who have not seen this film, it deserves not only for the wonderful soundtrack or The cast is composed of very large such as Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Dennis Hopper, Robert Duvall, but also for the wonderful photo, every scene strikes deep in the colors of the jungle or the shadows of a room. In
2001 Apocalypse Now Redux was released , restored and extended version, with the addition of 53 minutes of scenes from the film of 1979. This is the version available in our Library.

We have listed just a few examples, of course, and the most readily available. To deepen the understanding we are at your disposal.

Happy reading and happy viewing!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Driver For Tevion Sim Card Reader

Occhio ai DVD!

The department is enhanced DVD yet!

Coming Soon many new proposals for all tastes, from great movies like The Departed masterpiece by Scorsese with Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson, timeless classics that do not are presentations, Apocalypse Now or Good Morning Vietnam , romantic comedies, Love Actually example, beautiful Italian titles as House keys Gianni Amelio or Pinocchio Comencini.

And let us not forget the boys! DVD Charlie Brown , Scooby-doo and his hilarious adventures, film missed as Anastasia , Alvin Superstar and many more!

What are you waiting? Click below to see these and all other securities of fresh buying!

Then go to the Library and ask us all the information for the loan, you will certainly find the title for you to spend a beautiful evening!

Let us know your views, your contribution is crucial to making it even better service.

and good vision at all!