Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cable Cross Over Reach Excersise


Ok ... have you registered as a camgirl ... some helpful advice:

- enrich your profile, make it attractive to users. Post photos, videos and your contacts! The user must have an idea about you from the profile, a profile "thin" and not care is not a good advertisement! Also you can earn more by posting photos, videos and contacts so do not underestimate this additional revenue opportunities. For example you could set public photos 10-20, 20-40 private photos, a dozen video and a pair of contacts (email, msn and cell).

- Customize your content to make + and treated them yours! You can place a text string with your nick on the photos to make them colorful + and prevent some other girl to "steal" and use them! You can also customize the video is easy with "windows movie maker" is a program that you already have on your computer and lets you edit video parts to cut, join video clips, you can also add color and music written here! This way your content will appear very + nice and original, by the very idea of \u200b\u200ba nice profile! It will help you sell + content and to attract further attention degli utenti.

- Alcuni siti ti permettono di vedere gli utenti che hanno visitato il tuo profilo... questa funzione è utilissima perchè puoi scrivere messaggi agli utenti che ti hanno visitato, invitandoli a venire a trovarti in chat... puoi scrivergli scrivendogli a che ora entrerai in chat o se hai intenzione di fare particolari show o puoi dirgli che hai pubblicato dei nuovi contenuti. In questo modo dimostri di dare attenzioni all'utente e quando entrerà in chat avrai + probabilità di "agganciarlo".


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