Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1975 John Deere Snowmobile 300

Open Letter to 'ON. Sandro Biasotti

Open Letter to 'ON. Sandro Biasotti

Subject: Central Tirreno Power Quiliano / Vado Ligure, Prodi, D'Alema, Bersani- "sheet" GenCo ENEL and De Benedetti Engineer Charles St. Moritz-Energia SpA and Italian Super Utility SpA

Many of us, activists of the Northern League and / or former Enel Quiliano Savona Vado Ligure, which we investigate the authors of the sale of ENEL GenCo after the partial privatization but specifically the GenCo 3 INTERPOWER Vado Ligure Quiliano, have always maintained that these have been formed under the Prodi government D'ALEMA / Ministers Bersani and LOVED in consultation with the Board of Directors of Enel (Tato ' and Chicco Testa) and outbuildings and General Manager Central.

We refer to the article of Padania of 28/10/2009 "BERSANI BACK, BACK THE COOP" signed by Nicola Leoni: between liberalization and "sheet of D'Alema Bersani, "listed, and there 'the issue of privatization of the three Generation Company.
, we sent our report with supporting documentation dated 10/09/2009 inherent but 'only the enhancement of CTE Tirreno Power of Vado Ligure Quiliano, we have also sent to the Hon . Guido Bonino, the Group advising the Province on 28/09/2009 and the House Committee, all of the Northern League.

In our view, sections of Enel, set up by 3 GenCo were virtually UNDERSOLD, between 2001 and 2003, while I understand most of the more 'powerful and restructuring new CTE of Padania: if as they say the mother of all privatizations was the Telecom, Enel and its' father in the general silence.

Many colleagues who are still in service in Central fear that allowing the expansion and procuring an added value to the Tyrrhenian Sea Power, the same thing could happen that the engineer had to Ivrea Olivetti in the 80s, who also procured an outlay of about 1,500 billion INPS then for early retirement of workers: the dismemberment of Tirreno Power SpA and subsequent sale of the various sections be here shortly.

We are organizing with the ausiglio of lawyers, for a exposed to the public prosecutor's office, to avoid any criminal offenses related to the value of the shares of Enel GenCo that were placed on the market or go to another prescription.

Beginning of the CGIL congress held in Milan (07/11/1996), only 1 Month, the Prodi government, we already 'knew' s goal of the PDS through the speakers listed on brocheure allegata e la pletora di rappresentanti delle utility presenti piu ' il Ministro Bersani che non compare tra i relatori piu' Berni Segretario nazionale CGIL Elettrici; l'operazione "dell'assalto alla diligenza Enel" da parte delle municipalizzate, ha avuto, secondo noi, il seguente decorso:

1) Il   26 Giugno1996 nomina di F.Tato' ( indicato da D'Alema/Bersani! ?.....) e E.Testa detto Chicco (indicato da Veltroni!?......) ai vertici C.d.A. Enel;
2) Il16 Marzo 1999 Decreto Bersani D.l. n 79 , che ha recepito into Italian law the European directive for the gradual liberalization of the electricity market;
3) In January 2000 government decree for the sale of the three GenCo;
4) In January 2003 purchase dell'Interpower (GenCo n3) by the Company 'Spa TirrenoPower consists Sorgenia / Cir, Electrabel (CIR?) by Hera (Superutility Emilia), formed to the occasion, ACEA (Rome) and Iride (AEM Torino - AMGA Genova).
In recent years, much of the Spa is listed in 'Eurogen (GenCo1) is nell'Elettrogen: E.on (GenCo 2), also with A2A and Enia (utility of Parma and Piacenza Reggio Emilia) have formed or are under development, social pacts for integration between the various Municipal including the TirrenoPower (GenCo3) with mixed public and private capital are in fact a "Enel 2" in our opinion by creating a new kind of monopoly with significant undermining the spirit of antitrust energy imposed by the European Union Directive 96/1992;
-PQM: We requested Hon. Mario Borghezio-LEAGUE NORTH EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, to assess whether there are grounds to take infringement proceedings for an 'action penalties.
Greetings ; ;                                                                                                                                                                             Giancarlo Bertolazzi, Aldo Giorcelli
Inoltre sottoscrivono : C.Ficetto,GC.Gaudenzi,L.Pollo, M.Sugliano,F.Veirana,P. Podesta',C.Astengo,P.Valerio Bacigalupo, Bonora,G.Rossi,Erasmo Belledonne,R.Giusto,D.Rovigi,P.Carlotto,D.Bonello,Zunino,Barbano ......... seguono altre firme.
Vado Ligure 19/11/2009   (3° agg.to)                                                                     


PS 1 We were unable to record another mysterious phone call D 'Alema in Bersani: LET ME DREAM !!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not for the Bank but for the power plants)
PS 2 has' lost the collective memory on TELECOM SERBIA, on CASH REGISTERS Olivetti brand holders are required to VAT and the proponents of the bankruptcy Delbanco Ambrosio.

giancarlobertolazzi@libero.it - \u200b\u200bGeologist and Deputy Provincial Northern League Savona Mobile 347/0582951
www.giancarlobertolazzi.blogspot.com- Web: Web-www.nopattaforma.blogspot.com: www.leganordsavona.org

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is The Rambow Puffle Real

Savona: the "personal" Epiphany of the Northern League for local politicians

Savona. The initiative of Savona section of the Northern League that puts it under a magnifying glass the work of local administrators who would be different for the lack of attention to environmental and land.
This is a "popular committee", composed on the occasion of the Epiphany, to assign "carbon allowances" to politicians being less virtuous. In the "target" of the Northern League Savona are: Claudio Burlando, President della Regione Liguria, Sandro Biasotti, suo futuro avversario alla presidenza, Angelo Vaccarezza, presidente della Provincia di Savona, Federico Berruti, sindaco di Savona, Cristoforo Canavese, presidente Autorità portuale di Savona e i sindaci di Quiliano e Vado Ligure.
I progetti definiti “un assalto al territorio” sono, tra gli altri: aree ex Italsider, Margonara, piattaforma Maersk di Vado Ligure, potenziamento della Tirreno Power. Il “vincitore” riceverà due sacchi di carbone.

fonte: http://www.ivg.it/2010/01/02/savona-la-personale-befana-della-lega-nord-per-i-politici-locali/